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Immune Shots

Shots anyone?

With the looming COVID-19 threat and a fripple popping winter ahead we should be taking all possible measures to keep our immune systems fired up!

This tonic combines many of the magical and naturally occurring immune boosting fruits/ veg/ herbs/ spices that you can shot daily.



750mL water 2 cups apple cider vinegar (ACV) 3 tspn turmeric 1 tspn of each: oregano, black pepper, brown mustard seeds, coriander seeds, juniper berries 2 tspn cayenne pepper 1/2 tspn salt 1 tbspn honey 1 sprig rosemary 1 carrot 1 onion (peeled) 1 apple 2 dried chilies 3 bay leaves 1 sprig cinnamon 2 cloves garlic (peeled) 2cm knob ginger 1/2 lemon (skin on)


Like the worm in the tequila bottle, save a chilli in there!

Roughly chop the fruit, vegetables and ginger

Combine all ingredients (EXCEPT the ACV and honey- I will later explain why) in a saucepan on high heat

Cover with a lid and allow to boil for 25 minutes

Leave to cool for a further 20 minutes before straining the mix into a 1L bottle

Add the ACV and honey

Shake well and leave in the fridge for 2-4 weeks.

So what's the deal with heating honey and ACV?

Heating honey at high temperatures can cause it to taste bitter whilst destroying the benefits of its naturally occurring enzymes and nutrients.

Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine refers to cooked honey acting like "glue" in the digestive tract which may increase toxin production and cause harm to the body.

Similarly, heating ACV at high temperatures for over 10minutes will kill the beneficial bacteria (acetobacter and lactic acid). Who wants to submit to the burning sensation of ACV if it's having little beneficial activity on your body right?


Makes 1L



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